Welcome to: My Way or His Way Blog

Sharing the TRUTH with you about God's word.

God says there will be many false preachers and twisted doctrine in the "end times" which we are in now.

The enemy has perverted all of the words of God in one way or another and as a result twisted some of the beliefs we christians have.

Most of his twistings are very subtle with a little error here and a little there, and most are beliefs that started from generations back.

In all things, search the word, to know if what you are hearing or reading is gospel.
So please do this even in what I have here.

If you find I am in error, then please let me know. This is NOT my intentions.

It is my hearts desire to seek the truth and put it all here so NO ONE will be mislead and go a stray. Enjoy and be Enlightened! AMEN

Monday, January 18, 2010

What is a "Spirit of Bitterness?"

Can a spirit of bitterness effect your spiritual walk or your health? Is it dangerous to not deal with an offense immediately? ABSOLUTELY!  When someone offends you and you get upset..this is normal. But when we let an offense linger in us, constantly reliving it, then we get into unforgiveness. As we refuse to let go of the offense and will not forgive, then we fall pray to "Bitterness." We are commanded by God to not allow these feelings to linger on. 
(Ephesians 4:26-7). "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
(Ephesians 4:29-32).
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  WHY?

Bitterness hinders our whole being...and as an offense happens and then another and another we begin to mentally, spiritually and physically  become sick. The offense first effects us mentally, as we constantly think about it. When this continues it then begins to effect us spiritually, as now our spirit thought process is becoming damaged, our sense of right and wrong is distorted. It then will produce it's self physically by the way we will treat ourselves and others, eventially making our bodies physically ill. We were not designed for this.

It will distort our whole thinking process and will not allow us to interact with others, nor will we be able to learn to except God. Example: A child is raised in a very violent and abusive home life. His father may have physically and sexually abused him. Being a child he does not know how to cope and change his situation. Because of this he begins to see himself as at fault. In the beginning he feels hurt and slowly it turns into unforgiveness and anger. As time goes on because he has not dealt with the past, he becomes bitter. The Bitterness keeps him trapped in the past, mulling it over and over. As this happens he is not capable to interact with others rationally. And the anger inside his spirit grows. He will not be able to have loving relationships with others, as he never experienced love himself. He will repeat his past on all his relationships and his children. Why? Because he has unresolved, unforgiveness, resentment and bitterness.

As these spiritual enemies continue to grow he will get into a self destructive mode. He may turn to drugs, alcohol, sexual perversion and even self mutilization. His anger will become a very outward appearance in his actions, his speach and may even take him to murder of someone or suicide. It will make him unable to love or be loved, distrusting in others and God, (as how could a God allow such things to happen to him?)

 Unresolved anger, unforgiveness and bitterness is a very slow developing disease and WILL effect every area of our lives.  It's sole purpose is from the enemy, to hinder our being able to believe and connect to God ...and to destroy us... What do you think?

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