Welcome to: My Way or His Way Blog

Sharing the TRUTH with you about God's word.

God says there will be many false preachers and twisted doctrine in the "end times" which we are in now.

The enemy has perverted all of the words of God in one way or another and as a result twisted some of the beliefs we christians have.

Most of his twistings are very subtle with a little error here and a little there, and most are beliefs that started from generations back.

In all things, search the word, to know if what you are hearing or reading is gospel.
So please do this even in what I have here.

If you find I am in error, then please let me know. This is NOT my intentions.

It is my hearts desire to seek the truth and put it all here so NO ONE will be mislead and go a stray. Enjoy and be Enlightened! AMEN

Friday, January 22, 2010

"Let There Be Light!"

I was watching a video online just a little while ago and began thinking in the spirit about this statement, Let there be light!

When we think of light, we just think of flicking a switch and there is light. Or after the night sky, morning comes and then it gets bright. But if we think deeper than that, the gift of light is more. Jesus is a techer by example and used parrables when He spoke. Do you not think this is true of LIGHT? "Light" has many meanings, but Jesus said "I came to the earth to be the light in the darkness."

So what does light provide? Light is knowledge, safety, guidence, protection, peace, comfort, understanding, LIGHT is growth, light is truth and clarity, light is warmth, salvation and it is LIFE! 

What do we get from darkness? Fear, Deception, loneliness, coldness, crime, sickness, disease, confussion, evilness, DEATH. It's amazing that most diseases grow in a dark warm place, (thats odd as plants and such need light) but disease is something that will only make you sick and even kill you.

What would the world be like if we had NO LIGHT? No light bulbs, street lights, signs, candles or flashlights ect... Think about it.

We would only be able to work during daylight hours because we wouldn't be able to see to work at night. We would have cars, but could only use them during the day, because how dangerous would it be to drive at night with NO HEADLIGHTS, No stop lights or any light source, to light our way and guide us. We could only read, cook, eat, virtually everything only during the light of day. Even with our technology, we wouldn't have tv's or computers as they both need a light source in order for us to see it. Planes would only be able to fly during the day. How would they land at night with no lights or runway lights?

 When in darkness you are constantly in danger. Danger of bumping into something you can not see. In the dark you can not tell if what you feel is safe or dangerous. It is misleading. And if the world were in constant darkness, it would be DEATH. No vegatation would grow. Why is it that plants and such grow in LIGHT? Because it is LIFE! Why are most crimes commited at NIGHT? Why do most prowling around of animals and humans happen at night? Because they know that they may not be seen and can catch their pray off guard. Evil dwells at night. Night is a time of deception. During wars alot of the attacks were at night...why? because they can't be seen well and easier to catch the enemy off guard. Why do you think we have night vision glasses and cameras and scopes for guns ect...now?

Have you ever taken a walk through the woods in darkness? One you can't see where you are going, if there is a hole ahead of you. When you see black objects you do not know if it is a tree, animal or person or if it is friendly or going to do you harm. What looks like an animal or person, if you shined a flashlight on it, you realize it was just a pile of branches. This is walking in darkness, full of fear, uncertainty and deception!

Here is another thought, why are all movies that portray evil, murders, all forms of sin and witchcraft filmed at night? I quess it just wouldn't have the same effect if it were filmed during the day! Why is halloween during night time, with alot of people dressing their children as ghouls, goblins and little devils. Coincidence? Guess Again! Why are seances performed at night to summon up the dead? (By the way, this is one reason why God forbids us to seek fortune tellers and such, because they are summoning the dead from darkness, there is only deception from the dark. Truth is from Light and only God has light. He wants us to seek HIM for answers, not the dark. The darkness is evil.) I believe God's purpose for creating the night time was only as a means of rest for us, that is all. satan has perverted this time of day for his "bewitching hours"

 Here is a simplistic example: You put on a blind fold, ( here in itself, "Blind fold," you are unable to SEE and in total darkness) or are placed in a complete darkened room and  someone puts three bowls in front of you, then asks you to stick your hand into each one, one at a time and quess what the contents were. First, how would you feel, especially if you didn't trust or know the person and what they would put into the bowls? You feel the first bowl's contents, it is warm, slimy and mushy. What is it? Well I quess it could be mushed up old bananas, then again animal or human waste? You wouldn't be able to tell. Why? Your blinded by the darkness!  As you go to stick your hand into the next bowl, a friend enters the room and either wrips the blind fold off or turns on the light. Thank God because you did not know that it contained scorpions which could have killed you.

What is my point you ask?  In a nut shell, light is vital to our existance to survive on earth, but the "Light of this world, Jesus" is even more vital to our existance here and the beyond. Without He, Jesus, we will die, and live constantly in the dark with evil. So how do we find the light? Seek God and read the bible, as this is your night light, shining brightly, truth and knowledge to protect you, in this dark world.
What do you think?