Welcome to: My Way or His Way Blog

Sharing the TRUTH with you about God's word.

God says there will be many false preachers and twisted doctrine in the "end times" which we are in now.

The enemy has perverted all of the words of God in one way or another and as a result twisted some of the beliefs we christians have.

Most of his twistings are very subtle with a little error here and a little there, and most are beliefs that started from generations back.

In all things, search the word, to know if what you are hearing or reading is gospel.
So please do this even in what I have here.

If you find I am in error, then please let me know. This is NOT my intentions.

It is my hearts desire to seek the truth and put it all here so NO ONE will be mislead and go a stray. Enjoy and be Enlightened! AMEN

Monday, January 25, 2010

Doing God's Work & Tragedy

When you do God's work for Him, can it bring tragedy into your life? And if it does what should our response be to it? What does it mean when we are trying to do everything in our power to help build the Kingdom of God up, to help save the lost or incourage the faint hearted, then everything in our life turns up side down? Is it all worth it?  You tell me....

In the Bible, God says that in the end times, many hearts of His people will become faint hearted, wishy washy and some will even fall away from their faith in Him. That statement is tragic. Why? Well the following is something to think about and what I have learned.

The end times are going to be the worst times history has ever seen. Having said that, if they are going to be, then we as children of God are going to have to be prepared and diligent more than ever to with stand the enemy. How? By staying VERY close to God with heated burning desire. Just like Jesus, this was the only way that He got through all His trials and tribulations. He stayed in CONSTANT communion with the Father, submitting HIS will to do the Father's will. Many times Jesus prayed to the Father asking for a certain trial to pass him, but He constantly added, submitting himself to the Father in prayer, saying: "not my will but yours be done."

Question; Did the Father get or let Jesus out of going through the trails? Answer: NO!  The Father helped and PROTECTED Him  THROUGH  the trials! This very important point is the main answer to all the questions. Jesus is our example, and as such, He went through the trials and so are we. God WILL HELP and PROTECT us through them not out of them.

Question; Why was Jesus' trials so monumental and severe? Answer: The more he did the work of the Father and for the Kingdom of God, the worse the trials and tribulations got because He was going to change the world. Not just a few people or one or 2 sick people, but THE WORLD.  His job was monumental, He was going to save the world and take ALL sin, so the more He went about doing this, the greater the trials became. Till the ultimate trial... death. But even this ultimate, horrific trial did not waiver Him and in the end accomplished and produced the most highest rewards, not just for HIM but the whole world race.  He had a job to do that is something we can never comprehend.

When we try to fervently do Kingdom work, the trials and tribulations will get worse, But this is NOT, I repeat NOT a bad thing. Although it looks and feels that way, but this is our SIGN that what we are doing IS effecting and changing things in the spirit world! We should look UP and thank God. See we can not actually change, ourselves, any other person or any situation here. ONLY GOD can do this. When we PRAY about something to the Father, we are opening the door for HIM to come in to the situation.

 Here is a very simplistic example to illustrate prayer, but I hope it gets the point across;
Example: You go down into your basement and find broken pipes all over and it is flooding your whole basement. (This is your trial and tribulation)
What do you do? Wait for a plumber to, just so happen to drop by? No
You begin to pray, "O'h God help me," and look in the telephone book for plumbers. (You start praying and look up scriptures in the bible)
Now you find a plumber and call him up. (You begin to call out to God and pray for help)
This now opens the door for the plumber to come and fix the problem. (This opens the door for God to come in and start to change the situation)  If you just sat looking at the water getting higher and higher, it would not change your situation and only get worse. We have to take a stand and make the call. Just because you have the flooding is NOT going to bring help to you, you have to make the first move.

All trials are basically the same way. God is a gentleman. (I know in todays world the word, GENTLEMEN, is a concept that is not even heard of, let alone taught to our kids, as everyone is so into themselves. Just look at road rage, robbings, murders.) Plus God does not have the right to just come in and take over, (this is His own law) He doesn't have control right now of the world, satan does, but when we pray to the Father to come and change the situation, you now GIVE God the right and authority to step in. You give Him the permission.  Just like you did in calling the plumber and letting him into your house to take over the situation. He wouldn't just barge in without a call and say I heard you have a leak and I'm going to fix it. He LEGALLY can not do this with out your permission.

So why is it, that trials and tribulations seem to get worse when we are doing God's work? Because, as you are praying for others, for situations, making web sites that are Kingdom based, it is your SIGN that you ARE changing things in the spirit. You are really heating up the kingdom of darkness. The enemy is infuriated. Being INFURIATED he is not going to idly sit by and let you change things. He is going to try and make something else happen to get your focus off what you are doing, to get you to finally say, "doing things for God is not worth it, I give up." Thats the KEY. He wants us to get to the point where we say..."I GIVE UP." 

When it is at it's worst point and you are getting hit from ALL directions, look up and KNOW that your victory is about to happen, it is close, and satan knows it. It is at this point "when he will pull out ALL the stops" This is also the time, that we pull out all the stops and pray more and harder and longer, give more, help more, write more, commune with God more, love more. As we do this God increases. Think of God as our bank, we can NOT out "GIVE"  God. The more you withdraw from your love, help or giving bank ect...God gives you more! It is His principle.
What you give out to others, whether good or bad, you will receive more of the same!
It goes like the saying, "What comes around, goes around"

Now, the greater the work you are doing, the tougher, harder, larger and more frequent the trials will be. Because you are becoming a BIG threat to the kingdom of darkness.  BUT be assured, God WILL NOT allow more of a trial than He knows we can handle. You may wonder why all the trials. Well it is through this process that we become spiritually stronger and wiser. As in any experience, we are not good at it at first but the more we do it, the better we get at it. What ever it is, like a young race horse, his first race he's not to good, but as he races each race, he gets faster and stronger. A ring fighter, he may not be to good at it at first but with each fight he gets better. When we first start lifting weights, we just don't go out and lift 200 pounds the first time. But we start out with little weights and gradually increase the weight.  Lets say you have been lifting weights and you have a compatition coming up where you are going to have to pick up 200 pounds or more. You are up to 50 pounds now. The competition is a few months away. Do you realize, if you continue to only pick up that 50 everyday, even 10 times a day until the competition, you will still only be able to pick up 50. You have to increase your weight (or trial) to get to your goal to be stronger to handle it. The therory is the same with everything we do in life. Get it? The trials are on the same basis.

So what is my point? We that try to do God's work are going to get trials and tribulations, it's a fact and the more we effect the kingdom of darkness the more we will receive. God says in (Luke 12) "to more that is given, much is required."

I have been through many trials and tribulations through out my life, read my story...and am currently going through some now. It has seemed as though, staying in obidence to God to write my story, all hell has let loose. As I think back on the other trials in which every time I went through them, I thought "this is the ultimate" only to find out there was one worse. The recent ones are now the worse than the others. I quess the difference is I know where my strength and trust lie and really KNOW who my enemy is.  Just before I started writing my story I was involved in a very abusive relationship, verbally and physically, during this time my father had a minor stroke and through that process learned that he has hardening of the arteries in the brain. My mother was getting weaker from artheritis and it forced me to move home with them to help. Once home I started my story... and my mother was just diagnosed with mild alzheimers and a rare brain tumor in the back of her brain. Well this all has made it imposible for me to work, so my finacial situation is about zero. My race horse that I have was the one who was making some money, at least paying my bills, but now just yesterday he raced badly and there is something wrong with him. I don't have the money to investigate what is wrong nor pay my bills, but I am NOT giving up on GOD as I have learned that He is the best FATHER anyone can have and is our healer and provider and will not let me down. I quess between the blogging and my story... something drastic is being changed in the spirit world and satan is INFURIATED with me. Hay, I look at it that I am in good company... he HATED and DESPISED Jesus also! AMEN