Welcome to: My Way or His Way Blog

Sharing the TRUTH with you about God's word.

God says there will be many false preachers and twisted doctrine in the "end times" which we are in now.

The enemy has perverted all of the words of God in one way or another and as a result twisted some of the beliefs we christians have.

Most of his twistings are very subtle with a little error here and a little there, and most are beliefs that started from generations back.

In all things, search the word, to know if what you are hearing or reading is gospel.
So please do this even in what I have here.

If you find I am in error, then please let me know. This is NOT my intentions.

It is my hearts desire to seek the truth and put it all here so NO ONE will be mislead and go a stray. Enjoy and be Enlightened! AMEN

Monday, February 1, 2010

Cyber Virus's?

It has been put on my heart, comcerning the issue of believers and non-believers. I recently learned that a christian ministry who has a website also, which many do, was attacked by hackers who placed virus's onto their video programs. So that anyone who clicked on them recieved the virus.

Now I must ask you, is this childish or what? You shouldn't have to quess which lord is theirs. These are the very people who will tell you there is NO God and it is full of s**t.  I don't get it. If this is how they feel, then why waste the energy to go to all that trouble, especially about something that is NOT real? I do not waste my time on things that I don't believe, I don't have the need to debate matters. Like these blogs I write, it is not for the purpose to bash, debate and argue about which lord is right... I only write these to try to show the truth about God and the bible, to shed light where there may be some darkness or error...

The enemy, satan, is the only lord that will tell his followers to kill others and even themselves, steal, destroy, mutilate, condemn, lie, TAKE possesion by FORCE, fight, argue and debate things to death and more...and call it YOUR RIGHTS. He will NEVER tell you the WHOLE truth about anything. For example: he will tell you that drinking once in awhile is okay and won't hurt you, it's fun and it will help you to relax, but he stops there. He doen't tell you the end result that you will get addiced, end up with liver shut down and it will destroy your life and everyone around and eventually KILL YOU! Boy what a god....

I am SO glad and grateful that my LORD God, is not this way. My God tells me that sin may be fun in the beginning but HE also tells me the end result...seperation and DEATH.  He is quiet, loving, peaceful, joyful, the perserver of LIFE, and more, and is truely concerned about our wellfare. He does not tell us to FORCEFULLY make someone believe our beliefs in Him. He COMMANDS us to only PRAY for our enemies or people that are lost and to leave any punishment or further understanding to come from HIM. He says that it is HIS job, NOT OURS.

I mean there are alot of atheist sites, devil worship sites and other sites that are demonic like fortune tellers ect... out there. Do you hear about those sites getting attacked with virus's? NO, because it would mean that it came from a christian and that is NOT our way...

For satan to use these poor individuals tells me, that they have great knowledge that could be used for the kingdom of God but satan got his hands on them first...WE MUST PRAY FOR THESE INDIVIDUALS, for they have a mighty purpose for God. Do you think everyone could produce a computer virus and know how to get it onto someone elses site? See they have knowledge that was given by God and satan is perverting it. AGAIN PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE PEOPLE! God WILL use them mightily!

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